En bref. En Accès anticipé depuis l’an dernier, voici que cette suite de AI War – Fleet Command semble prête à envahir nos écrans cet automne. Au programme un mélange hybride entre grande stratégie et batailles spatiales en temps réel, pour lutter contre une IA s’étant emparée de la galaxie. Mais ayant négligé une petite planète où vagabondent, devinez-qui, des humains bien décidés à reprendre leur galaxie en mains !
Le tout se jouant au travers d’un gameplay et d’un moteur de jeu modernisé devant permettre de simuler de très très nombreuses unités en action, sans pour autant mettre à genou votre processeur du fait des calculs nécessaires pour le degré de simulation voulu par Arcen Games.
Pour plus d’informations sur AI War 2, dont la sortie est prévue pour ce 22 octobre, voyez cette fiche sur Steam et surtout le site d’Arcen Games.
v0.952 Released! « A Little Help From Scary Friends »
Release notes here.
Yesterday we actually did a small hotfix version that had a number of cool things in it, but they were small enough that I didn’t post about it here. So hence the version jump of two.
What’s new between the two of these?
There’s a really cool new « Helping Hands » quick start in the Basics category, which basically sets you up with powerful human and alien allies that do most of the heavy lifting for you. It’s a fun way to get in and play the game… kind of while NPC allies basically really do all the work. Aka it makes it a low-stress way to have someone just come in and experience things. Perfect for reluctant SOs, people who just want to play around with things, and so on.
Yesterday’s hotfix had a number of bugfixes, some centering around repeat plays of audio clips being excessive.
Today has even more fixes, including some bugs that could rear up in the tutorials in an inopportune way.
With some absolute-minimum-system-requirements hardware on linux, it was possible to get some funkiness in the latest versions of the game, so we tried to address that or at least give workarounds (adding Vulkan support in addition to just OpenGL). On OSX we also started supporting Metal as an option.
Some minar speeling and gramr mistakes have been fixed in the tutorials. (Yes, I’m a dad. Sorry!)
The credits screen now includes all 3048 of the kickstarter backers, categorized and alphebetized so that they can find their name (assuming they didn’t go anonymous).
There are several UI improvements to make things more clear, particularly when a flagship is hacking and thus can’t leave the current planet.
Also the multiplayer « menu » no longer opens a menu with sub-options saying « coming soon. » Instead it pops open a text window with a short TLDR of when multiplayer is coming and then a long-winded explanation of why for people who want to find that out without having to go to the forums on our site or Steam.
Several new options have been added for controlling things like other factions generate AIP or threat.
Several hacks now cost a lot fewer hacking points, making them more attractive.
The AI now gains some reinforcement cap at higher AIPs on difficulties over 5.
Oh, and there was a nasty bug that is fixed in this build that could cause AI killing stacks to make the counterattack numbers go up WAY inappropriately much. So that was what some of those difficulty spikes were that a few people experienced, starting in the recent press build.More to come soon. Enjoy!
Reminder: Launch Is Coming Up October 22nd!
We’re now in the process of tidying things up for the 10-year anniversary of AI War Classic appearing on Steam for the first time. We’re getting really close! I understand a lot of you are really enjoying the game now, which is super duper awesome. If that’s you, and you haven’t written a review yet, would you mind just dropping a couple of brief thoughts on the store page for the game?
There’s a sea of other indie titles out there now, and I’m anxious about my career to put it kind of frankly. Please be honest, obviously, but if you’re enjoying the game it would really be a big deal to me personally if you’d let other people know; that stuff makes a big difference in our ability to get featuring on the store, in how people choose to purchase or not, and so on.
Problem With The Latest Build?
If you right-click the game in Steam and choose properties, then go to the Betas tab of the window that pops up, you’ll see a variety of options. You can always choose most_recent_stable from that build to get what is essentially one-build-back. Or two builds back if the last build had a known problem, etc. Essentially it’s a way to keep yourself off the very bleeding edge of updates, if you so desire.
The Usual Reminders
Quick reminder of our new Steam Developer Page. If you follow us there, you’ll be notified about any game releases we do.
Also: Would you mind leaving a Steam review for some/any of our games? It doesn’t have to be much more detailed than a thumbs up, but if you like a game we made and want more people to find it, that’s how you make it happen. Reviews make a material difference, and like most indies, we could really use the support.