Bolt Action – Korea : trailer

En bref. Le prolifique éditeur Warlord Games diffuse ce week-end une vidéo présentant la prochaine extension majeure de son réputé jeu de figurines couvrant l’ensemble de 39-45, et qui s’attaque désormais au moins connu, mais pas moins intéressant, conflit qui embrasa la Corée au début des années 50.

Pour plus d’informations sur Bolt Action – Korea, dont la sortie est prévue début août, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur. Ainsi que celle-ci pour la boîte Korean People’s Army.

Et si vous ne connaissez pas encore cet éditeur, voyez la vidéo suivante :


Pre-order: Bolt Action Korea

Prepare to take on the newest challenge from the Warlord Games Studio with an exciting new way of fighting tabletop battles in Bolt Action. Introducing Bolt Action Korea! An entirely NEW game supplement allowing you to use your Bolt Action armies to recreate the dramatic action of the Korean War.

Bolt Action Korea

Combine your Bolt Action 2 rule book with the new Bolt Action Korea for a new experience in 28mm historical gaming. The new Supplement is massive! Literally packed with as much history, detail and army listings as we could stuff into the book.

Bolt Action Korea continues where World War II left off.

The new supplement continues where World War II left, containing information for all three years of the conflict.

You will find some new and exciting rules in the supplement for the use of Jet aircraft and a new special character, the “Seasoned NCO” to add to your headquarters.
Army lists

With army lists for all five major combatants, you’ll also be able to include the major United Nations ground forces involved; France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece, Turkey and many others.

Play the North Koreans, Chinese, South Koreans, the U.S. and the Commonwealth forces. There is something for every player of Bolt Action 2 to experience for the Korean War.

Are you ready to take the challenge?