Démo pour Civil War Battles

WDS a annoncé aujourd’hui l’arrivée d’une nouvelle démo permettant cette fois de s’essayer à cette série simulant les nombreuses batailles de la guerre de Sécession. Au programme, trois scénarios (en fait un découper en trois, une introduction, un phase d’initiation, et la bataille à part entière) et même l’outil d’édition de scénarios, utilisable avec les éléments fournis dans la démo.

Les vétérans de la série y trouveront donc ici une bataille complète inédite, The Fight at Bristoe Station, October 14th,1863. Ce qui est éventuellement pour les connaisseurs un petit cadeau bonus.

Pour télécharger les fichiers, voyez la fiche de la démo dans la boutique officielle, et ajoutez-la à votre panier, vous pourrez ainsi effectuer un « achat gratuit », et après récupérer le nécessaire.

Par la même occasion, sachez que le souci technique introduit dans la série Napoleonic Battles par le dernier patch 4.01 a fait l’objet d’un patch d’urgence (hotfix – voir si besoin les instructions sur cette page).



Civil War Battles Demo released!


We are pleased to present to you our latest free demo highlighting one of our series. The Civil War Battles Demo gives those that are interested in the series, but not quite ready to make the leap into a purchase, the opportunity to try the game system out. But for veteran players it also provides a new battle not previously included in any other title!

There are three scenarios included – the intro, Getting Started scenario, then the full battle scenario and finally there is a « meeting » variation of the battle with the forces arriving on the map over time so that the battles lines will vary depending on player choices.

The scenario editor is also included so it is possible to make more scenarios based on the included map and OOB.

You can grab your copy by visiting the product page and adding it to your Shopping Cart. You’ll step through the check out process (again, there is no charge) and you’ll be emailed a download link and serial number once that process is complete.

Again, you can head over to the Product Page to grab your own copy of this new release.

We also want to let you know that a problem was found with the latest round of updates for the Napoleonic Battles series involving the check for being Detached from a units commanding officer. This problem has been resolved and a hot fix has been issued for every game.

Note: If you have applied the 4.01 update already there is a small Hot Fix file you can grab listed under each game on the following linked page. However, if you had not applied the 4.01 updates yet, just grab the main update and the hot fix is included with it.

As of this writing we have not rebuilt all the installers, but we do plan to do that in the next week or so. So in the long run that will be incorporated with the msi if you do a new download of it.

See the Napoleonic Battles Updates page here to grab the fix.

We hope you are enjoying the games, and as the year progresses we’ll have more news to pass along!


Derniers tests