Démobilisation générale pour Warhammer 40000 – Space Wolf

Après dix ans de bons et loyaux services, l’équipe d’Herocraft a annoncé il y a peu que du fait de la fin d’un accord de licence ce jeu hybride façon jeu de carte tactique prend sa retraite. Sorti initialement sur iOS, puis adapté sur Android peu après, et arrivé ensuite sur consoles et PC quelques années plus tard, le jeu va donc très prochainement, le 12 octobre prochain, disparaître de tous les magasins.

Si vous le possédez, pas d’inquiétude, vous pourrez toujours y jouer, votre exemplaire ne sera pas effacé. Si jamais vous le vouliez pour votre ludothèque, c’est maintenant ou jamais, l’avantage étant que le jeu est bradé à -90%.

En un sens, on pourrait dire que le Chaos et sa légion des Word Bearers auront ainsi peut-être eu le dernier mot…

Pour plus d’informations sur Warhammer 40000 – Space Wolf, voyez cette fiche sur Steam.



Important announcement!

Dear Wolves!

First of all, we would like to apologise for delivering this unexpected news. This was not an easy decision, however, our team has concluded that we can no longer sustain the game. Thus, after an incredible 10 years since its initial launch in 2013, we are officially announcing the closure of Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf.

We want to assure you all that we truly gave it our best, and it was an immensely rewarding experience working alongside our passionate community. This game was a labour of love for us. Being ardent Warhammer fans ourselves, we were overjoyed to have had the opportunity to work with our beloved universe.

Our heartfelt thanks go to our community for all the unparalleled support and enthusiasm you have displayed. We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed playing with us as much as we’ve relished creating the game and interacting with you all.

We hope some of you will stick around to vanquish some more Chaos filth with us before we say our final goodbyes.

On 12th October the game will be de-listed from all stores across all platforms but those of you who purchased it earlier will still be able to access it from your libraries.

Thank you all for playing and being the most exceptional community we have ever had!

The Space Wolf Team


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