En bref. Comme prévu la cinquième extension de ce sympathique wargame est arrivée aujourd’hui. Au menu une vingtaine de scénarios prenant pour cadre l’Afrique du nord (représentant par exemple les opérations Compass et Crusader), mais aussi certains points de la Méditerranée, et c’est c’est moins fréquent, l’Afrique de l’Est.
En parallèle les développeurs ont sorti un patch pour le jeu de base. Mise à jour qui attention fait que le jeu ne fonctionnera désormais plus sur Windows 7 (sauf à utiliser une option précise, mais rendant incompatible le nouveau DLC). Voyez cette annonce si nécessaire.
Pour plus d’informations sur Unity of Command II – Desert Rats, voyez cette page sur Steam.
Concernant Unity of Command II, voyez le blog officiel ainsi que cette page sur Steam. Puis notre test ou encore ce récit de partie.

Desert Rats DLC for Unity of Command II is OUT Today
It’s summertime and what better proposition than warmongering in the Mediterranean theater of World War II?
Desert Rats, the new DLC for Unity of Command II, is OUT on Steam today (7 PM CET) for $9.99 / EUR 8.19.
At the same time, the base game and the other DLCs will be heavily discounted in a Steam Daily Deal.Are you ready to fight on islands, in the snow, on beaches and in the desert in the most varied DLC so far?
In the summer of 1940, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini joined Germany’s war in a bid to rapidly expand his fledgling empire. The Italian Army would proceed to attack Greece, Egypt, and the British Colonies in East Africa.
You will take command of the vastly outnumbered Allied forces as they attempt to stop first the Italians, and then the Germans in the form of the vaunted Afrika Korps. From a token force of a few divisions, your army will expand into a vast force of more than a quarter-million men.
Stop the Axis tide in Africa, now!
The Battle of Britain has been won, but the Allied cause is nevertheless still on its heels
and you will help save it. Utilizing the initially modest forces of Middle East Command you must take the initiative within the Mediterranean and African theaters of war.Your main objectives are to liberate Ethiopia and to secure the Suez Canal by expelling Axis forces from Egypt and Libya.
Key Features of the Desert Rats DLC
Experience the see-saw action in the sweltering heat of the Desert in operations such as Compass and Crusader. Re-live the often overlooked and untold story of the dogged fighting in the mountains of Eritrea and the Blitz through Somalia and into Ethiopia.
Key Features
20+ historical scenarios based on British Commonwealth campaigns in East Africa, North Africa, and the Mediterranean in 1940-41.
Large map coverage expanded to include the Western Desert and the Middle East, plus a brand new map for East Africa.
The ‘Mediterranean’ theater is tackled in its entirety, not only in the Western Desert. This means you will fight in Greece, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia.
Many new units from the Commonwealth nations.New Protagonists!
New unit types join the struggle like Free Greek Infantry, Italian Blackshirts, Italian colonials, Vichy French Cavalry and many, many more!
And a quick example of this DLC not being only about desert fights…
Epirus Offensive
October 1940,
On October the 28th 1940, Italy declared war on Greece. The invasion, staged from Italian occupied Albania, was launched on Mussolini’s orders against the advice of his commanders on the ground.
It quickly became clear that Il Duce’s general’s assessments had been correct as the Italian invasion force turned out to be woefully inadequate. After only a few weeks their offensive had floundered and the Greek Army immediately began a counteroffensive.Your main objective will be to push the enemy out of Epirus. If the opportunity arises, you are further authorized to push into Albania.