En bref. Slitherine diffuse une feuille de route récapitulant les améliorations à venir pour ce sympathique STR sur le thème de l’univers de Starship Troopers (popularisé au cinéma à la fin des années 90, et créé à la fin des années 60 par Robert A. Heinlein (cf. le roman Étoiles, garde-à-vous !)).
C’est l’occasion d’apprendre qu’au fil des douze mois à venir, en plus de mise à jour gratuites pour améliorer et varier le gameplay, le jeu bénéficiera de deux add-ons, dont un proposant un nouveau contexte de jeu.
Pour plus d’informations sur Starship Troopers – Terran Command, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam. Vous pouvez accéder sur demande à la nouvelle phase bêta (voir ce changelog) depuis cette page.

Starship Troopers – Terran Command || Roadmap & New Beta
The Federal Council has been hard at work on new plans, and we are now ready to tell you what is in store for the first year of post-release development of Starship Troopers: Terran Command, live on FedNet!
Free Updates
Initial free updates will focus on balance and interface improvements. Following that, an update will contain a new free scenario and a new Federation unit.
The following update will bring Achievements and new Challenge missions. This new type of missions will come with a freshly implemented High Score system.
A Scenario editor will also be released, allowing players to craft their own maps and scenarios.
Finally, a new top secret game mode to enhance replayability is being worked on and will be released in 2023.
Premium Content
We are planning to release two paid-for DLCs within the first year of release: the first is a mini-Campaign based on challenge missions.
A more extensive DLC will follow, with an entire Campaign set in a new environment and featuring additional units.
Would you like to know more? Additional details will be announced later this year.
New Beta Patch
Speaking of new content, we’re about to open a new beta! The Federation once again calls its citizens to their patriotic duty and to help us test some new features.
What does it add?
– A new unit type, a squad of troopers making use of chemical weapons;
– A new scenario, called « Chemical Reaction ». Arachnid test subjects have broken out of an experimental lab, and it’s up to the player to clear them out;
– The option for units to prioritize certain types of enemies automatically, a highly requested feature (and very useful for snipers);
… and a lot more.
You can find the full changelog here, an you can start applying to the beta here. Please note that a Slitherine account is required, but you can register one for free. Actual access to the beta patch will be given to those testers who have been picked in a few days.