Hell : nouveaux screenshots

Slitherine a mis en ligne cette semaine quatre nouvelles captures d’écrans pour sa prochaine déclinaison médiévale-fantastique du moteur de Battle Academy. Aperçu très brièvement il y a quelques mois, Hell pourrait s’avérer être une sympathique surprise, offrant une variante sur un thème certes classique (des chevaliers contres des démons) d’un moteur de jeu au gameplay éprouvé. Au passage je vous ajoute aussi une ancienne illustration montrant un autre exemple des créatures infernales qui envahiront en théorie d’ici quelques mois via nos PC, et peu après via iPad aussi, les vertes campagnes des terres de Gilrand.

Communiqué et caractéristiques

The mythical land of Gilrand is such a safe and quiet place that knights and paladins are drinking beers all day long in the trendiest inns of the realm. But there is no better target for the devil than a charming and peaceful place. In the darkest side of this fantasy world, subterranean legions are just waiting for one sign from their hellish leader to start a monstrous invasion. Harmonious times are over and chaos gets underway!

In HELL, a new turn-based strategy game developed using the very flexible Battle Academy engine, players will be able to lead the sacred human forces from the “Order of Light” or the infernal troops from the “Demons of Hell” faction. Every unit has a unique function on the battlefield so players will have to judiciously mix the unique abilities and specific strengths of their magic and military squads to be victorious. Diversity is the key word in HELL, and this is supported by a vast array of units, various types of terrain and environments, myriad layers of tactical options, a long story-driven campaign, and a devilish multiplayer mode with cross-platform functionality.

This fabled multiplatform tactical game is now ready to enter the beta phase on PC. And we invite players to help us test it! By signing up for the beta, players will have a chance to be selected to be one of the lucky few who will be able experience HELL before release and help us with the final touches, ensuring a smooth release on PC and iPad later this year.

The PC version of Hell is currently in beta. Players can sign up for the by clicking here.


  • Explore vibrant fantasy realms, play through gorgeous vistas from lush forests, swamps and Hell itself.
  • Get into the action with intense skirmish combat, and use your tactics to outsmart your opponent.
  • Myriad layers of strategic features including, terrain characteristics, support units, zone of control, level up bonuses and special abilities!
  • Control a vast array of units from powerful Paladins and Gryphons to Demonic imps and Giant Behemoths from the very depths of Hell.
  • Your troops gain experience from successful attack and defend actions which can provide important boosts so units mid-battle.
  • Command an elite group of soldiers in an epic story driven campaign featuring both the defense of the realms of men and the invasion of Hell!
  • Varying mission objectives require a range of strategic skills, protect bases from being overrun, capture and control key points or simply wipe out the enemy forces.
  • Online Multiplayer, play against your friends or strangers in a wide array of multiplayer maps.
  • Quick to learn but an eternity to master, the depth and richness of the game contributes to a lasting appeal


  1. Shlitherine semble vouloir décliner son battle académie (par ailleurs très bon en version WWII) sur plusieurs thèmes.

    Si l’idée est de faire évoluer son moteur et son IA pour l’adapter à différentes doctrines tactiques historique avec des unités créées spécifiquement au thème c’est très bien!

    Par contre si l’idée c’est un simple plaquage graphique ou collage de thème sur l’existant pour rentabiliser le truc c’est pas bien mais alors pas bien du tout.

    Cependant dans le doute je fais confiance aux concepteur et Slitherine tout en demandant aux journaliste testeurs de « la gazette des wargamers » d’être vigilant sur ce point.

    Personnellement je me suis inscrit comme béta testeur pour « la guerre en dentelle » mais j’attend les fichiers d’install

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