A partir d’aujourd’hui et jusqu’à dimanche prochain Matrix organise via Twitch une série d’émissions sur le sujet de différents wargames récents ou en cours de développement.
L’évènement permettra de voir des images inédites de plusieurs titres, et ce sera aussi l’occasion de revenir sur l’acquisisiotn de Matrix Games par Slitherine en 2010, et l’évolution qui en a suivi.
Au passage sachez que Slitherine a annoncé il y a quelques semaines certains changements à venir du fait de la croissance de l’enterprise. A savoir qu’il y aura un distingo plus marqué entre les wargames, donc les jeux plus orientés simulation (i.e. Combat Mission – pour lequel un nouveau DLC va bientôt être annoncé), et les jeux se situant dans le cadre plus général des jeux de stratégie (qui ne sont donc pas des wargames stricto sensu). Types de jeux qui ne concernent pas systématiquement les mêmes joueurs, ce changement d’organisation devant à terme permettre à l’éditeur de mieux répondre aux attentes de sa communauté.
Concrètement, l’évènement Home of Wargamers ne concernera désormais, et fort logiquement, que les wargames purs et durs.
D’autres évènements seront organisés par la suite pour toucher un public dixit plus large. Quoiqu’il en soit de cette réorganisation interne, on verra au fil des mois, il semble probable que cela apportera à l’ensemble des joueurs concernés plus de choix et de créativité pour les futurs jeux en projet chez Matrix et Slitherine.
Pour suivre les présentations qui vont être diffusées en Live sur Twitch, rendez-vous sur la chaîne de l’éditeur. On espère que des rediffusions seront facilement accessibles par la suite.

Home of Wargamers week
Wargaming celebration
Next week is a big week for hexes and counters. When, in 2010, Slitherine acquired Matrix Games, the gaming world was different; we didn’t have a Steam presence, and we had to be very protective with prices and discounts. Finding a new development partner specialized in wargames was still a frequent possibility. We are now here, twelve years later, ready to celebrate wargames in a series of dedicated live streams on twitch, with deep discounts and promotions, and the hope that the development community notices how vibrant and lively this fantastic hobby is.
This will be next week’s Twitch schedule
There is something for everyone
The event will feature never-seen-before footage for Flashpoint Campaigns Southern Storm, Command Falklands, and War in the East 2 Steel Inferno. There will be interviews, the first showing of Rule the Waves 3, news about the future of Combat Mission and Shadow Empire, and more. We’ve got promos and discounts across multiple stores, interviews, chats, and social media posts. There is something for everyone who’s got a passing interest in the genre and a whole week of happenings for the ones who want to follow everything. We are eager to re-position the Home of Wargames brand so that it genuinely feels like a place to share a passion and discuss it with friends. We’ll keep investing in the hobby, it is our responsibility as market leaders, and it’s also an ongoing mission for both the company’s founders and the new members.
The live event schedule
A satisfying passion
Next week is a celebration, but it’s also our message to anyone willing to take on the challenge of learning and loving these types of games. It’s undoubtedly not low-hanging fruit; we know it requires patience and interest, time to focus, and disposition. Nevertheless, we can guarantee it’s one of the most satisfying passions you could dream of. The sense of achievement in victory, the fulfillment when choosing a good move and the openness and courtesy of the community are rare on today’s internet. When I started playing with steam trains, I had only a light interest in the topic. It slowly grew into a profound passion, thanks to a community of hobbyists that welcomed me intending to help me find my place. It’s with the same hope that we keep nurturing this place to make it comfortable for every wargamer looking for a home.
A change for the future
This past summer has been full of events and changes. We’ve been working a lot behind the scenes on several different projects, and you will probably see the results of these efforts sometime in the near and distant future. As a growing company, we are responsible for looking at what comes next with a critical eye and making decisions that will help our business evolve.
You have probably noticed we have announced the opening of a new development studio in Poland. The very talented group of professionals working on Stargate: Timekeepers and Ancient Arenas: Chariots are now an integral part of the Slitherine group of companies. Slitherine Poland (yes, we are very creative in picking names) will focus on projects we consider a cornerstone of our future: embracing the broader world of strategy gaming.
Another big announcement was the new collaboration with NWS Software to publish the next chapter in the Rule the Waves series: a serious, hardcore wargame franchise that we love and consider the best in its genre. Working with NWS is already a vivifying experience for our wargaming experts. You see where I’m going, right? On the one hand, we are investing to reach out to a broader range of strategy lovers; on the other, we are pushing to nurture our beloved wargaming community: one soul, two missions.
For a long time, we have tried to differentiate the Slitherine and Matrix Games content in different channels, with different games, and messages. It’s now time to change gear and push further in this direction, so from now on, our Home of Wargamers tagline will only be used for Matrix Games.
We see this as a necessary step to better serve our community of hardcore fans while giving a better understanding of what we do to our more casual communities. The first foray of the new-but-old approach will be a Home of Wargamers week solely dedicated to wargamers, from October 10th to 16th. We’ve got a whole load of events, streams, promos, activities, and interviews, and we’re very excited to share some big news with you all. Save the date and don’t miss this.
From now on, you will see an increasing number of events dedicated to hardcore wargamers and a solid stream of Slitherine-branded events geared towards a more extensive public. It’s still going to be us behind the scenes, a growing company with big projects, great ideas, and a never-ending passion for strategy games.