Méga tournoi d’hiver pour Field of Glory II et J-3 pour Immortal Fire

Slitherine a mis en ligne cette semaine une nouvelle série de captures d’écrans illustrant certaines des différentes nouvelles armées et unités que proposera la première extension pour Field of Glory II. Dont le thème général sera la période d’Alexandre le Grand, de son père, Philippe II de Macédoine, et des guerres avec l’empire perse. Cet add-on abordera aussi le sujet de la guerre des diadoques, guerre que se livrèrent les généraux d’Alexandre le Grand à sa mort.

Au total cette extension ajoutera huit factions supplémentaires (Achaemenid Persians, Etruscans, Antigonos, Lysimachos, Spartans, Latins, Lydians, Kyrenean Greeks, Thessalian Greeks), dix nouvelles unités et trente listes d’armées. Plus dix batailles historiques et cinq campagnes, dont une hypothétique.

Par ailleurs, sachez qu’un quatrième tournoi va prochainement débuter. Il est prévu pour 128 joueurs et se déroulera en cinq manches, la première commençant le 11 décembre. Vous pouvez vous inscrire par ici et consulter les règles du tournoi par là. Voyez le communiqué ci-après pour plus de précisions sur cette belle animation.

Pour plus d’informations sur Field of Glory II – Immortal Fire, dont la sortie est prévue le 5 décembre prochain, voyez cette fiche chez l’éditeur. Concernant le jeu de base, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam. A lire également en complément ce récent AAR sur une bataille rapide prenant pour cadre César en Britannia, ce précédent récit de partie sur la bataille de Larissa, un exemple de scénario personnalisé, ainsi que notre test.

Concernant la version du jeu pour figurines et la première adaptation sur PC, voyez le site www.fieldofglory.com.



Field of Glory II Immortal Fire New Screenshots!

Field of Glory II Immortal Fire will be released in less than a week, so why not take a look at these new screenshots in the meantime?

Feast your eyes!

Immortal Fire brings you back to the Alexander the Great era, expanding the total number of army list to 105 and adding 5 brand new campaigns.

Stay tuned for further updates!

Field of Glory II – Holiday 2017 Tournament!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the fourth Field of Glory 2 public tournament!
Due to the phenomenal demand, this will be the largest FoG II tournament to date: the Holiday 2017 Tournament will consists of 5 rounds for 128 players – a tournament like you’ve never seen before!
This will be played using the normal Field of Glory 2 Multiplayer system and our automated tournament system.

To enter, go to the tournament page HERE!
The general tournament rules can be found HERE!
The first round will commence on Monday, the 11th of December 2017. No further entries can be accepted after the tournament has begun.

Specific tournament rules:
This tournament will involve five rounds. The battles will be medium-sized custom battles.
Round 1: Seleucid (205BC – 167BC) vs Roman (199BC – 106BC) (Mediterranean Agricultural)
Round 2: Pergamon (190BC – 129BC) vs Pontic (281BC – 111BC) (Mediterranean Hilly)
Round 3: Bosporan (84BC – 11BC) vs Dacian (50BC – 106AD) (Norh European Agricultural)
Round 4: Jewish (64BC – 6AD) vs Prolemaic (55BC – 30BC) (Middle East Hilly)
Round 5: Ancient Brits (60BC – 80AD) vs Roman (105BC – 25BC) (North European Agricultural)
Games are paired, so each matchup will be played both ways. Each player will be able to choose his forces using the normal force selection system. Random maps are in use, so the two battles in each pair will be on different maps.
First round pairings will be selected randomly, subsequent rounds using the Swiss Chess system. Nobody will play the same opponent in more than one round.

The scoring system is as follows:
· If a game runs to the turn limit, each side scores points equal to the enemy % routed at the turn limit. If the game times out, adjustments may be made, depending on how far the game has progressed and who took longer over their turns – see below.
· If one army breaks, the victorious player scores 60 points plus the difference between the enemy % routed and his own % routed. The loser scores points equal to the winner’s % routed.

1) If Ben defeats Tamas’s army, and has inflicted 45% routed on Tamas, and Tamas has inflicted 15% on Ben, Ben will score 60 + (45 – 15) = 90, Tamas will score 15.
2) However, if Ben defeated Tamas’s army by inflicting 62% routed on Tamas, and Tamas had inflicted 56% routed on Ben, Ben would get 60 + (62 – 56) = 66 points, and Tamas would get 56.
3) If the game is unfinished (or it reached the turn limit) with Ben inflicting 20% routed on Tamas, and Tamas inflicting 10% routed on Ben, Ben would score 20, and Tamas would score 10. (Provided that between them they have played at least 24 turns in all – see below).
Note that this system rewards aggressive play over desultory skirmishing. If you rout an enemy unit then hide for the rest of the game, both players will get extremely low scores – lower than if they played hard and lost.

If an odd number of players sign up for the tournament, one player will get a bye in each round. In the first round this is random. In subsequent rounds it will be the player with the lowest score. The score for a BYE is 75 points for each game.

Round times and timing out:
Each round will last 10 days.
Any battles that are not completed by the end of the round will be timed out. The player who has had the game in his “My Turns” box the longest overall will be the one who is deemed to be timed out. This will not normally incur any penalties, unless insufficient turns have been played: If the timed-out player has played less than 12 turns, his score will be reduced proportionately, and his opponent will be granted the BYE score if it exceeds his current score. If the timed-out player has played less than 6 turns, he will not be included in the draw for the next round. This is to prevent someone else’s enjoyment being spoiled by being drawn against someone who has apparently dropped out of the tournament.


Derniers tests