WDS a dévoilé le prochain titre de la série Musket & Pike, wargame qui simulera la grande guerre du Nord, long conflit qui opposa de 1700 à 1721 la Suède à une alliance composée des cosaques ukrainiens, de la Russie, de l’Empire ottoman, du Danemark de l’Angleterre et de la Prusse. La Pologne étant elle divisée dans les deux camps. Au programme 75 scénarios individuels et cinq campagnes pour retranscrire la diversité des situations dans cette guerre.
Au passage notez qua la série Musket & Pike va être mise à jour pour rejoindre le standard de la série Napoleonic Battles, qui vient d’ailleurs de profiter d’un nouveau petit patch v4.04.
Pour plus d’informations sur Musket & Pike – Great Northern War, dont la sortie pourrait avoir lieu durant la première moitié de 2023, voyez en attendant qu’une fiche descriptive soit mise en ligne la page de la série du jeu.
Ainsi que nos articles Musket and Pike – The Seven Years War : la guerre mondiale au temps des mousquets et Musket and Pike : les guerres du XVIème siècle vues par HPS.
News from the front
The next title planned for release in the Musket & Pike series is Great Northern War covering the 21-year conflict between Charles XII of Sweden and Czar Peter I (the Great) of Russia…and many other nations over the course of the conflict. As of this writing we have 75 stand alone scenarios plus 5 campaigns included for many, many hours of gaming enjoyment.
Not only will this title bring new content to the M&P series, but programming work is also in progress to bring it up to the level of the Napoleonic Battles series with features, updated rules, new toolbars, file folder reorganization and graphical enhancements. Additionally, we plan to update the existing games in the series to the same level shortly after release.
Here are a few screen shots from the work in progress. Nothing is finalized at this point, but wanted the give you a taste of what’s in the works.
And while we don’t want to give specifics, we have several other projects actively under development in this series – so if there’s a conflict you hope to see covered, there’s a good chance we’ll be doing it.
As of this writing we anticipate having Great Northern War out in the first half of 2023.
And that brings us to a close for todays news. Care to discuss it with others? Head on over to the official forums!