Operation Luttich, nouvelle campagne pour Conflicts

En bref. Cette série bien connue des wargamers sur Android s’est enrichie cet été d’un nouvel épisode sur le thème de l’opération aussi appelée Contre-attaque de Mortain, offensive allemande début août 1944 pour tenter de reprendre l’initiative face aux Alliés se déployant en Normandie. Échec qui mènera à l’épisode de la poche de Falaise.

Une version d’essai permet de jouer les 20 premiers tours de cette campagne.

Pour plus d’informations sur Conflicts – Operation Luttich: Falaise Pocket 1944, voyez cette page sur Google Play, ou le site de la série.






Do you have the skills and nerves to push exhausted Wehrmacht forces to Avranches through the fierce Allied resistance and relentless bombardment while German flanks are crumbling all around you?

Free turn-limited-version:

New features:
1) Undo movement: 10 simple undo actions available per started campaign (only applies when moving into hexagon you control: Deselect unit – Main – Undo)
2) Unit History for Ground Combat Units (Text list of major battles etc events: Select Unit – Info – Unit History).

Situation on 7th of August 1944: British and Canadian troops had tied down elite German formations near Caen while the entire US Third Army had broken through from Normandy to Brittany via Avranches. However, German HQ realized that by advancing just 30 km (20 miles) from Mortain to Avranches they could cut off the First and Third US Armies. Surely battle-hardened yet exhausted Panzer and Waffen SS Divisions could push this small sector of the front line it forward a short distance of 30 km? The Allies realized that if they could contain this German attempt they could trap Germans in the Falaise area. The only one thing was sure: At the end of this maneuvering either several German or American armies would be cut off.