En bref. Voici une nouvelle bande-annonce confirmant que le troisième volet de la trilogie d’extensions consacrée à l’Union soviétique dans Order of Battle est aujourd’hui disponible. Et pour l’occasion les deux précédents volets se trouvent eux à moitié prix cette semaine, directement chez l’éditeur.
Pour plus d’informations sur Order of Battle : Red Storm, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam. A lire également nos articles sur les deux précédents DLC, Order of Battle – Red Star : une extension quatre étoiles et Order of Battle : Red Steel, l’acier soviétique sera-t-il à la hauteur ?
Concernant Order of Battle – World War II, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ainsi que notre guide des extensions. A lire en complément notre article Blanc et rouge, un AAR pour Order of Battle. Ou encore précédemment ces autres récits de parties : Order of Battle – Blitzkrieg : assaut à l’ouest et Order of Battle – Winter War : un drink pour Mr Molotov.
1. Prokhorovka, a massive clash of tanks at the height of the Battle of Kursk
2. Operation Rumyantsev, the Soviet offensive to retake Belgorod and Kharkov following the cancellation of Citadel
3. Kerch-Eltigen Landings, an amphibious operation to establish beachheads again on the east coast of Crimea
4. Zhitomir-Fastov, fend off a series of heavy German counterattacks west of Kiev in late 1943
5. Korsun Pocket, Soviet forces encircle two German army corps west of the Dnieper, while the Wehrmacht launches several relief attacks
6. Crimea, the Red Army concludes the liberation of the peninsula as remaining German and Romanian forces hope to be evacuated across the Black Sea
7. Hide and Seek, a unique and optional scenario about partisan warfare in spring 1944
8. Karelia, depicts the big Red Army offensive against Finland in June 1944
9. Operation Bagration, huge Soviet offensive to destroy Army Group Center in Byelorussia in summer 1944
10. Baltic Offensive, the scenario focusses mostly on the Soviet drive towards Tallinn and Riga
11. Debrecen, after Romania and Bulgaria leave the Axis the Red Army advances into Hungary in October 1944
12. Vistula-Oder Operation, the large offensive in January 1945 through Poland to finally reach Germany
13. Seelow Heights, the Red Army has to defeat the last defensive stronghold before Berlin
14. Berlin, the battle for the German capital to end World War 2 in Europe
15. Manchuria, the last Soviet offensive in August 1945 to defeat the Kwantung Army
Order of Battle: Red Storm – Out Now
Red Storm is available now and is the third and final DLC in the Soviet Trilogy for Order of Battle: World War II franchise. The new expansion covers the battles of the Red Army from 1943 to 1945.
The campaign begins with the fierce tank battle near Prokhorovka during Operation Citadel which was the last grand German summer offensive on the Eastern Front in mid-1943. The failure of Operation Citadel led the Red Army to be almost always on the offensive after. The ultimate goal of this campaign, therefore, is the defeat of the Third Reich in the Battle of Berlin.
You will now be able to purchase light Ba-64 armored cars, devastating BM-31 Katyusha rocket launchers or hard-hitting 100mm anti-tank guns. Improve your air forces with the agile Yak-3, the heavily armed Yak-9T and the more advanced Yak-9U as well as the improved medium Tu-2 and heavy Yer-2 bombers.
It is not just the allies getting new equipment, however, as the enemy is also fielding brand new equipment: the Germans now deploy their deadly 8.8cm Pak 43 as well as the nimble Pzkw II Luchs and new He-162 jet fighters in 1945. Their Hungarian allies will also field Turan tanks, Zrinyi SP guns as well as the Bf-109 and Me-210 aircraft.
To celebrate the end of the Soviet Trilogy, we’re running a 50% week-long discount on Order of Battle: Red Star and Order of Battle: Red Steel. Check it out and complete your collection.
If you want to see the new units in action, don’t miss the stream later today, at 6 PM BST. Don’t forget that you can also sign up for the up and coming Eastern Front Tournament! All you need to do is opt in here and own at least one Order of Battle DLC.