Panzer Corps, la suite arrive en 2018

Surprise ! On savait que le premier éditeur de wargames sur PC travaillait sur de nombreux projets, voilà que l’on en découvre un de plus, à savoir le second volet de la série Panzer Corps. Qui rappelons-le faisait elle-même suite au non moins fameux Panzer General.

Aucune image ne vient malheureusement accompagner ce joli teaser, tout au plus sait-on que le jeu utilisera désormais le moteur Unreal 4, ce qui permettra d’afficher, dixit, des centaines d’unités avec un niveau de détails en théorie jamais égalé dans un wargame.

Voilà un bon technologique intrigant, qui pourrait donner un très beau résultat graphiquement, tout en conservant le gameplay facile d’accès qui a fait le succès de cette série.

Rendez-vous est fixé en 2018, sans plus de précisions pour l’instant, pour voir quelles innovations la 3D apportera à Panzer Corps. En attendant d’en savoir plus, voyez si besoin cette fiche chez l’éditeur, ou le nouveau site du studio Flashback Games.


Panzer Corps 2 is in the making
A sequel to genre-defining game will hit the stores next year
The Panzer Corps series has built an impressive following over recent years and allowed many players, old and new, to experience a type of wargame that was equally approachable and challenging. It managed to reinvent a format while keeping it true to its origins.

The release of Panzer Corps also marked the return of a long-neglected gaming formula, which still had a large and loyal following. Its spectacular success brought an almost forgotten genre back into fashion, it inspired multiple clones and literally gave new life to an entire market.

After over five years of expansions, mods, challenges and tournaments, a brand-new instalment of the franchise is ready to take the strategy gaming segment by storm again. This time, with even bigger ambitions.

Panzer Corps 2 is currently in development using Unreal Engine 4, to allow an impressive leap forward in both technological capabilities and visual impact. Hundreds of World War 2 units will be shown with a level of quality and detail never seen before in a wargame.

The move to a fully 3D engine is a natural evolution of the game, but the core gameplay will always remain true to its roots: pay tribute to the classic gameplay of a distant golden age of strategy gaming, refine it, perfect it and use the most recent technologies to enhance these experiences and bring them to a new generation of gamers. In other words, strike the perfect balance between tradition and innovation, both in visuals and gameplay.

Players can follow development on the [official forum] and on the [Flashback Games site] and they are welcome to give ideas and suggestions towards what their dream Panzer Corps sequel would look and play like.

About the Slitherine Group
The Slitherine Group is the world’s leading producer and publisher of digital wargames and strategy games. Under the Slitherine (, Matrix Games ( and Ageod ( brands it has published literally hundreds of games, with many award-winning titles in its portfolio and spanning all digital platforms, from home consoles to modern Smartphone’s and Tablets. Slitherine is also involved with book publishing, board gaming and works with a wide array of key licensing partners, such as HISTORY®, MILITARY HISTORY®, Games Workshop®, Horrible Histories™, Showtime, BBC, Osprey, Scholastic, Buzz Aldrin Enterprises and many others to deliver the best blend of historical accuracy in an exciting and entertaining way. Together the Group companies form the world’s largest organization specializing in this important and vibrant niche. The Slitherine Group’s mission over the coming years is to lead the way in innovation and growth in an ever expanding segment of the entertainment industry.

1 commentaire

  1. PG3D remade après le remake de PG, ce serait assez logique :)
    Quelque chose me dit que la prochaine étape sera un Scorched Earth remis au goût du jour…
    Autrement, PzC ayant déjà couvert toute la WW2, une version 2 aurait pu s’attaquer au Vietnam ou à la Corée mais bon…

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