Pax Nova : aperçu du gameplay

En bref. Iceberg Interactive diffuse une vidéo présentant en détail le gameplay de ce futur 4X, actuellement encore en chantier. L’occasion d’apercevoir ce qui devrait distinguer ce jeu, mis à part l’accent mis sur les planètes.

Pour plus d’informations sur Pax Nova, dont la sortie devrait avoir lieu cette année, sans plus de précisions pour l’instant, voyez le site du studiocette fiche chez l’éditeur ou encore cette fiche sur Steam.



Pax Nova Gameplay Reveal

Hi everyone!

We’re very excited to present the first look into our new 4x strategy game: Pax Nova. The video displays the core tenants of Pax Nova – starting from small beginnings as a single settlement, all the way up to your galactic colonisation campaign.

See for yourself! Click here to view the official Pax Nova Gameplay Reveal.

Pax Nova is slated to release in Early Access on Steam, later in 2019. Want to stay up to date on everything Pax Nova? Catch us, here:


Don’t forget to wishlist Pax Nova if you haven’t already!

Pax Nova 2019 Release: Modding And A Variety of Races Included

2019 is here, and this means the Pax Nova release is “this year” and not “next year“ anymore.

The release version will feature modding, multiple races to choose from in your mission of exploring and conquering new planets as an Earth alternative, as well as a convenient (we hope so!) UI.

We’re particularly excited about the mods and player-made content that will hopefully pour in once the game is out. And the simplicity of integrating this content into the game from the technical perspective has been among our fave discoveries in development.

However, the #1 challenge in development we’ve managed to overcome was being able to create all the different art assets for all the variety of races, at a level of quality that meets our high standards. This is still not complete, but we’re proud of what the team has done so far.

Make sure to be among the first to check out the new features and keep up to date by connecting to us on social media.