Une nouvelle version de la démo de Squad Battles est disponible depuis peu. Elle permet toujours de jouer onze scénarios sur le sujet de l’invasion de la Grenade, qui eut lieu au début des années 80, et vous pouvez ici profiter de toutes les récentes améliorations amenées par le patch 4.01. Une partie étant visible dans la série de nouvelles captures d’écrans ci-après.
Au passage, sachez que les soldes d’été ont débuté chez WDS. Jusqu’au 4 juillet prochain vous pouvez bénéficier de 25% de réduction sur la quasi totalité du catalogue (à l’exception des trois derniers titres, Panzer Campaigns – Rumyantsev ’43, Panzer Campaigns – Philippines ’44 (voir ce test) and Musket & Pike – Great Northern War (voir cet article)).
Pour obtenir cette démo, rendez-vous sur la page de Squad Battles – Grenada chez WDS (il faut ajouter le produit qui coûte 0$ au panier et suivre les instructions pour “commander” la démo gratuite). Si vous aviez la version 4.00 du jeu, il vous faut le télécharger et le réinstaller complètement pour profiter des nombreuses améliorations de la v4.01.
Squad Battles Demo: Grenada Version 4.01 Release and WDS Summer Sale Announcement
Hello Everyone,
We are very pleased to make available the updated Squad Battles Demo: Grenada.
Before diving into the updated Demo, we would like to announce the dates for the Wargame Design Studio Summer Sale.
The Wargame Design Studio Summer sale this year runs from June 16th, 2023, to July 4th, 2023. Like prior sales, all titles are reduced by 25% to $29.95 from our normal pricing. The only exceptions are the three titles released in the last twelve months, Panzer Campaigns – Rumyantsev ’43, Panzer Campaigns – Philippines ’44 and Musket & Pike – Great Northern War, that remain at full price. Naval Campaigns – Kriegsmarine that was released in May 2022, will be discounted for the first time. The bulk discount for orders over $199 will also apply for all items, regardless of release date in an eligible order. The WDS store has been updated to apply the bulk discount automatically on all eligible sales. If there is a title (or three) that you are missing from a series or just want to try something new, the sale would be the perfect time.
With the recent release of the three upgraded Eastern Front Squad Battles titles, we prioritized the Grenada Demo so that all could try the new engine changes.
Like the prior 4.01 releases, there will not be a patch to move from version 4.00 to 4.01, but rather a need to do a fresh install of the latest version. As mentioned in a previous blog post here, the following instructions are applicable.
We have determined that with the range of changes, including the upgrading of graphics technology, that it is too problematic to provide a patch to upgrade from either the Wargame Design Studio (WDS) 4.00 version or the earlier John Tiller Software (JTS) versions.
Every owner who has a key will find the new 4.01 installers in their store account. You can access your store account from the link here. If you have issues accessing your store account, please reach out to the support desk via email using this email address: HelpDesk@wargameds.com. The new builds will require you to uninstall your existing build before installing the new one. Please backup any save games or other content you may want to keep before proceeding.
Moving everyone onto the same version now, will make it much easier for us to provide updates in the future and ensure all have the latest features.
We are terming Squad Battles Version 4.01, a release, not a patch, as these are new games. We have put an equivalent amount of effort into improving these titles as we would a new game. This covers not just the graphical and user interface improvements but also the gameplay. Importantly, every existing owner that has a key either from WDS or JTS will get the applicable games for free, as mentioned above via updated builds in their store account. If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk via the aforementioned email account.
There are a range of updates and new features included with this latest build. You can read the changelog on the link here. 3D graphics have been included in Grenada for the first time, as well as a new 2D zoom level.
Additional documentation is also included. A new Map Making manual is now included and can be accessed via the image below to review and download.
There are also two versions of the Visual Order of Battle, one for ‘figures’ and one for ‘heads’. These will be included in game but can also be downloaded by clicking on the below images.
Here is an example of an OOB included in game in both formats. (All images can be clicked for full-size)
If you are interested in downloading this title you can go direct to the product page here: Grenada Demo
Here are some screenshots from the updated Grenada Demo:
Hopefully we will see you all at the sale!