Rangers et éditeur de cartes pour Heroes of Normandie

Matrix annonce la sortie aujourd’hui d’une première extension pour la version PC de Heroes of Normandie. Intitulé US Rangers, comme son nom l’indique ce DLC ajoute des renforts coté US. Vous disposerez donc de sept nouvelles unités (Hero – Captain Pepper, Officer Parker, the 30Cal team, Recon team, Fire squad, Support and Bazooka squad) puis de différentes options de recrutement. Au passage voici quelques captures d’écrans illustrant certaines de ces nouveautés.

De plus, comme le montre en détail la bande-annonce ci-dessus, un éditeur de scénario est désormais disponible gratuitement. Boîte à outils permettant donc de créer facilement de nombreux types de cartes sans avoir besoin de compétences en programmation.

Pour plus d’informations sur l’extension US Rangers, voyez cette page chez Matrix.


Editor Leads the Way
A first DLC and a free update including the editor for Heroes of Normandie!

Epsom, UK – December 15, 2015.

Released 2 months ago, Heroes of Normandie – the digital adaptation of the popular WW2 boardgame that won a prize at the latest Origins Awards – was shipped on PC with a lot of content. With several campaigns, rogue and skirmish modes and a set of multiplayer maps playable locally or via Internet, developer Cat Rabbit thought players would need a lot of time to explore the game entirely. But it seems that when people love something, they want always more.

Today a new era starts for the fans of Heroes of Normandie with the release of a map/scenario editor that allows everyone to create missions in a very simple and effective way. The developers really took their time in order to provide a user-friendly tool, able to be used by any member of the community. As a result there is no need to have programming or scripting skills to make a scenario. Creativity is the key here, so players who like experimenting with tiles, units, buildings and objectives will certainly design original scenarios that could be shared and played in singleplayer and multiplayer modes!
Heroes of Normandie – Showcasing the editor
And that’s not all. The Normandy bocage is wide enough to welcome more units, so at the same time we’re releasing an army pack introducing the Rangers, the famous US elite infantry. Available at only $1.99, this DLC adds Captain Pepper and his men who specialize in assault operations on the battlefield!


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