Rise of Venice : vidéos de gameplay


Kalypso Media diffuse une nouvelle vidéo présentant rapidement les principaux mécanismes du prochain Rise of Venice, jeu de gestion et de guerres commerciales réalisé par Gaming Minds Studios à qui l’on devait précédemment Patrician IV et Port Royale 3. Si cette nouvelle déclinaison sur le thème de la Renaissance vous intrigue, voyez aussi la vidéo suivante dans laquelle Gamespot récapitule l’essentiel et montre en une quinzaine de minutes un exemple de début de partie.

La sortie du jeu est prévue sur PC ce 27 septembre. Avant cette date vous pouvez bénéficier d’une réduction de 10 % en profitant sur Steam de l’offre spéciale Steamship Edition, édition exclusive incluant une frégate à vapeur unique, qui « ressemble à un bâtiment que Léonard de Vinci lui-même aurait pu concevoir ».


September 20, 2013, Ridgewood, NJ –  Kalypso Media USA, Inc. is today pleased to make available a new trailer for its merchant/political simulation – Rise of Venice. Becoming a powerful figure in the Renaissance meant first building up your wealth, and in this new walkthrough, we are giving viewers an in-depth look at the game’s economic and trading systems.

Download the trailer now, and get a first-hand look at how to use the game’s mercantile system to become an economic juggernaut as you rise up the ranks on your way to becoming a financial and political leader in Renaissance-era Venice.

– Download the walkthrough video

– View streaming (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfrunNjd6g8)

Venice was at the peak of its power during the Renaissance and was viewed as a city of decadence, beauty and intrigue.  Renowned as the linchpin of civilization and the cultural centre of Europe, Venice was the most important trading post between Western Europe and the eastern stretch of the Mediterranean Sea.  It was also the stage for political corruptions and clandestine dealings.

This is where your story begins.  As a young man striving for success, power and wealth and with the support of your family, you begin to build up a trading empire across Genoa, Tripoli, Rome, Alexandria, and Constantinople in addition to many other significant cities from the Renaissance.  As you progress through the ranks of Venetian society, increasing your power with smart trading moves and calling in the occasional favor, you can begin to assemble your own fleet.  With this you will start to build up new production facilities and test yourself in challenging sea battles where you will face off against pirates as well as political enemies.

Features of Rise of Venice:

  • Experience a compelling story full of intrigue and treason in Venice at the time of the Renaissance
  • Trade a variety of goods in the most important cities of the time such as Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople and Athens.
  • With your own family tree you can interact with your family members, send them on missions and watch how the power of your family grows over time.
  • Meet other important families who are pulling the strings in Venice’s government and influence political decisions yourself.
  • Build your own production facilities and trading fleets
  • Take fate into your own hands and test your skills in furious sea battles
  • Multiplayer mode for up to 4 players via LAN and Internet

Rise of Venice will be available digitally on Windows PC in September 2013. For more information please visit www.kalypsomedia.com


About The Kalypso Media Group

Founded in 2006 in Germany by industry veterans Simon Hellwig and Stefan Marcinek, Kalypso Media is a global, independent developer, marketer and publisher of interactive entertainment software with over 120 employees worldwide.

Along with Headquarters in Worms, Germany, the company has offices in the United Kingdom and the United States.  Kalypso Media also enjoys very strong global digital distribution through its Kalypso Media Digital Ltd. subsidiary, owns three development studios – Realmforge Studios GmbH, Gaming Minds Studios GmbH and Noumena Studios GmbH – and works with multiple leading independent developers.

Kalypso Media‘s titles include the critically acclaimed Tropico 3, Tropico 4, Sins of a Solar Empire (Europe and Asia), and Dungeons. Upcoming titles include The Dark Eye – Demonicon (PC), Air Conflicts: Vietnam (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC) and Rise of Venice (PC). Further information about Kalypso Media is available at http://www.kalypsomedia.com


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