Screenshots pour Pike & Shot

Cette future déclinaison du moteur de Battle Academy fait partie des sympathiques surprises que nous avons pu découvrir rapidement lors de la récente conférence HOW14. Bonne surprise donc car le thème de la Guerre de Trente ans est peu fréquent dans les wargames et encore plus sur PC (voir notre article Musket and Pike : les guerres du XVIème siècle vues par HPS), or le moteur de jeu permettra ici un gameplay facile d’accès, des graphismes en 3D et des parties dynamiques, y compris par emails grâce au système PBEM++ de Slitherine. Selon toute vraisemblance les amateurs de cette période trouveront dans ce futur titre de quoi bien explorer de nombreux champs de batailles méconnus. D’autant plus que des extensions sont d’ores envisagées pour aborder d’autres conflits similaires.

La sortie de Pike & Shot est prévue dans le courant du troisième trimestre sur PC et iOS.



Description du jeu

In the age of Pike and Shot, mighty struggles erupted across Europe for causes religious, political or dynastic. The Thirty Years War raged across Germany and beyond, leaving devastation in its wake, but saw the rise of great commanders such as Count Tilly, Wallenstein and King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, and rapid developments in battlefield tactics.  Musketeers “gave fire” in a duel to the death, pikeman held stolidly against enemy assaults, and cavalry charged to glory or defeat. You can take command in the greatest historical battles of the war, fight stand-alone “what-if” scenarios, or design your own scenarios using the easy to use editor.

Additional expansions will allow you to explore the English Civil War and the 16th century Italian Wars.

Accurate simulation of battle in the 16th and 17th century Age of Pike and Shot.

Unique graphic style based on 17th century styles and battle paintings.

10 full-sized historical battles in each campaign- The Thirty Years War, English Civil War (expansion) and 16th century Italian Wars (expansion).

Classic Turn-based, tile based gameplay.

Easy to use interface, hard to master gameplay.

Battalion-sized units.

Single player and multiplayer modes.

Stand-alone battle system allows unlimited “what-if” scenarios using historically realistic armies from carefully researched army lists, on realistic computer generated terrain maps.

Stand-alone scenarios are randomly generated and include open battle, attack on a defensive position, defence of a defensive position, awaiting reinforcements, enemy awaiting reinforcements, flank march.

In stand-alone games players can pick their armies from the army list or allow the computer to pick the army for them.

Effective AI makes sound tactical decisions. Historical battle AI customised to the historical tactical situation.

5 difficulty levels allow the challenge to increase as you develop your battlefield skills.

20 troop-types, 25 “capabilities” and numerous different unit organisations allow full representation of tactical differences and developments throughout the period.

Detailed model that accurately represents any substantial 16th or 17th century battle world-wide as scenarios are developed.

Mod friendly game system with built-in map editor.

Multiplayer mode allows historical scenarios and “what-if” scenarios to be played by two players using Slitherine’s easy to use PBEM server.

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