SimPocalypse : début de la bêta

En bref. Un nouveau jeu potentiellement intéressant pour qui aime le contexte postapo, mais ici vu à une échelle plus stratégique, vient d’arriver en version Accès anticipé en décembre.

En résumé, vous partez d’une simple colonie et pouvez aller jusqu’à bâtir un empire mondial. Un projet plutôt ambitieux, orienté simulation comme son nom l’indique, et qui semble vouloir proposer à terme de nombreuses options pour varier le gameplay.

Pour plus d’informations sur SimPocalypse, qui pourrait sortir de la phase d’essai entre le printemps et l’été prochain, semble-t-il, voyez cette page sur Steam ou le mini-site officiel, où vous trouverez quand même une feuille de route.



Simpocalypse – Now available!

Hello everyone!

Simpocalypse is now ready and available for purchase to the public on Steam!

Currently Windows & Linux are supported, but Mac is coming soon.

We are releasing Simpocalypse with a much lower price than we intend to price the game later on, when all the Early Access improvements, and content updates are finished. On top of that, we also decided to go out with a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 15% on the LAUNCH WEEK!!

Thanks again to anyone supporting us during the whole development process, and we wish you lots of fun playing Simpocalypse. We’re looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks

* We will be available for any critical bugs that might popup, which you can report on the steam forums, or join our Discord, where you can also chat with us and other players

To end with, here is just a short notice on some of the bigger things we will be working on and improving while in Early Access:

– doing many improvements to UI and design of the game, especially on the map/combat part
– improving the late-game balance/experience
– doing a major combat rework
– reworking military colonies to use corpuses instead of gold
– adding Steam achievements, a TON of them
– adding Challenge modes
– editable hotkeys and much more!