En bref. Le quatrième volet de la série Command – Live est disponible depuis la semaine dernière. Il aborde cette fois le bouillant thème des tensions russo-ukrainiennes, mettant ici en scène un débordement hypothétique en Transnistrie. Escalade funeste aboutissant vite à de violentes réactions en chaîne entre l’OTAN et la Russie.
Pour plus d’informations sur Command – Live : Don of a New Era, dont voici ci-dessus une sympathique bande-annonce résumant très bien l’ambiance, voyez cette fiche chez l’éditeur (particulièrement ce PDF décrivant le contexte du scénario) ou celle-ci sur Steam.
A lire également notre récent article Command – Live : AAR Old Grudges Never Die. Puis concernant le jeu de base et sa précédente extension Northern Inferno, reportez-vous à notre test de Command – Modern Air Naval Operations, à notre AAR Opening Moves, ou encore à cette fiche chez l’éditeur ou à celle-ci sur Steam.
Command LIVE: Don of a New Era is released!
The Ukrainian conflict of 2014 has undoubtedly contributed to destabilize an already fragile region. All along the borders of Ukraine, Moldova and Russia, tensions are rising frequently, and no one knows exactly what would happen if Moscow, the biggest player, will decide to force the situation escalating the conflict.
Even if an open war could have limited military objectives, a new successful Russian intervention – probably justified by the necessity to help “the oppressed Russian minorities” – might have tremendous political repercussions, especially for Eastern Europe NATO countries.
What is certain, is that the air superiority will play a key role in an asymmetrical war involving unconventional forces, and both the USA and Russia have dispatched their best assets in the region, including stealth fighters as the F-35 Lighting II and the Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA.
If Russia fully mobilizes, could NATO prevents her moves?
Don of a New Era, the fourth installment in the Command LIVE series, has been released! This scenario explores what could happen if Russia decides to military intervene in Ukraine and Transnistria, and what kind of countermeasures NATO and US could take in response!