En bref. Une première extension vient d’arriver hier pour l’original Starship Corporation. Jeu simulant la conception de vaisseaux spatiaux mais aussi l’expansion commerciale de votre méga-corporation au sein de la galaxie.
Au programme de ce DLC, le thème très en vogue du tourisme spatial, et donc des croisières dans le sidérant infini océan qu’est l’espace intersidéral. L’occasion de s’essayer à la construction de ferries, de super-yachts ou encore de paquebots de l’espace avec neuf nouveaux types de fuselages. Et bien entendu de nombreuses salles (restaurant, cinéma, piscine, bar, casino, laverie, etc.) pour accommoder les désirs de vos passagers durant ces très longues traversées.
Pour plus d’informations sur Starship Corporation : Cruise Ships, voyez cette fiche sur Steam, ou le site officiel du jeu.
Starship Building Simulation Game ‘Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships DLC’ Is Available Now!
The new Cruise Ships DLC adds countless hours of gameplay by allowing players to dabble in space tourism. Become the next intergalactic Richard Branson and expand your business to cater established cruise lines or start your own. Design luxurious vessels for guests looking for the ultimate space vacation, against the backdrop of some of the universe’s most beautiful spaceports!
Whether building a small ferry, a super-yacht or a luxury liner – you will need to find the right balance, choosing from 9 different new fuselages.
The range of new rooms included in this new content, is not only necessary to house passengers in different classes aboard your cruise ships, but also to entertain them in many different ways: movie theatres, restaurants, casinos, gyms, pools, bars, restrooms and laundry rooms not only influence the happiness of your guests, but can also produce good profit.
You will also need the help of a new crew type (steward) to maintain the recreational facilities for optimal efficiency in order to keep you customers happy.
Will you become the next intergalactic Richard Branson? Buy the DLC now!