Strategic Command 3 : patch 1.03

En bref. Une nouvelle mise à jour est disponible pour le troisième volet de la série Strategic Command. Patch qui vient corriger quelques bugs en PBEM et améliorer les mécanismes du jeu concernant les sous-marins (cf. changelog ci-après). Le fichier se télécharge directement en suivant ce lien et les sauvegardes sont compatibles avec les versions précédentes (sauf bêta).

Pour plus d’informations sur Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe, dont nous tâcherons de reparler plus en détails dans quelques temps et que vous pouvez vous procurer aussi via notre boutique partenaire, voyez cette fiche chez l’éditeur ainsi que notre test. Ou encore ce précédent court récit d’un début de partie Strategic Command – WWII in Europe : AAR Case White.


Hello everyone
v1.03 fixes a couple of issues found v1.02 such as an error when playing PBEM with neutral countries and a Surrender script issue.
There are also a number of other tweaks and fixes plus some interesting tweaks for submarines that increase their survivability when in silent mode. For full details see change list below

SAVED GAMES – Single player games in progress from v1.01 will be compatible with v1.03 and PBEM games from v1.02 and 1.02.01 are also compatible with v1.03

The v1.03 update is fully comprehensive – you do not need to install all the previous updates first.

v1.03 is available from both the members and public area
Members Area:

Public Area:

– fixed a PBEM++ error where Neutral countries attacked on the very first turn of a challenge showed a few extra units (in the attacked country) during the replay sequence.
– fixed a scripted SURRENDER_2 event error that would cause Minor countries to surrender to ‘Neutral’ as opposed to their Axis or Allied occupier.
– fixed a zoom issue, center of the map area currently being viewed is now used instead of the upper left corner.
– fixed an issue where the game was not recognizing Windows display scaling settings and as a result was then not properly showing all information areas, thinking it had less space to do so.
– fixed an attacking air unit targeting error for when defending naval units in storm conditions could not be targeted if on a clear sea island hex.
– fixed an error in the SELECT CAMPAIGN screen that did not allow you to view a full list of campaigns if you had more installed than the current 13 listable slots.
– fixed a sound playback error that had Cavalry Brigade and Divisions using the Corps movement sound and not the Cavalry Corps movement sound effect.
– fixed a custom sounds and fonts error that still did not have them properly read and load if set in a custom campaign.ini file.
fixed a naval unit action point recalculation error for when a fully mobilized unit encountered a hidden non fully mobilized unit under fog of war.
– fixed missing weather information when mouse hovering over resources that are also on top of terrain such as mountains or rivers.
– mouse hovering over Oil and Mine resources now show their STRENGTH value as opposed to being listed as a SUPPLY value.
– Subs in Silent mode will now have that mode displayed on the unit whether it is a friendly or enemy unit.
– Subs that are attacked while running in Silent mode, will now have their potential losses reduced by 50%.
– Subs that are attacked while running in Silent mode will have their defensive return fire effectiveness reduced by 50% with no hits possible against attacking aircraft.


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