The Fulda Gap – The Battle for the Center

Nouveau chez Compass ce mois-ci, voilà le premier volet d’une série a priori intitulée Central Front, qui revient en détail sur ce qu’aurait pu être une hypothétique bataille dans les années 80 entre OTAN et Pacte de Varsovie, dans la fameuse trouée de Fulda. Jeu utilisant le système éprouvé Company Scale System (CSS).

Pour plus d’informations sur The Fulda Gap: The Battle for the Center, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur.




THE FULDA GAP: THE BATTLE FOR THE CENTER is our first Company Scale System (CSS) release covering the Cold War and the Battle for the Center.

Stopping the possibility of a Soviet advance against NATO required some of the highest skilled troops to defend far forward in West Germany to prevent the vital industry and population from falling into Soviet hands. This was the task of the 11th Cavalry Regiment – the famed Black Horse Regiment – in the area well known as the Fulda Gap. The Fulda Gap was a break in the defensively favorable terrain that channelled advance directly towards the main American bases in West Germany. It was vital that this be held as long as possible.