The Horus Heresy – Battle of Tallarn : For the Emperor or… the Warmaster ?

Décidément, par les temps qui courent Warhammer 40 000 semble avoir le vent en poupe ! Voici qu’HexWar nous sort une ribambelle de chiffres et de noms impressionnants pour promouvoir son nouveau bébé, The Horus Heresy : Battle of Tallarn.

Jeu de combats tactiques en tours alternés, disponible depuis une dizaine de jours via Steam sur PC, en plus des versions Mac, iPad et iPhone, pour la modique somme de 9,99€. Le petit nouveau met aux prises des unités renégates des Iron Warriors et les forces fidèles à l’Empereur. L’affrontement se déroule sur Tallarn, planète pratiquement stérilisée par un bombardement viral des forces rebelles.

Au cours de trois campagnes de six scénarios chacune jouables dans l’un des deux camps, au choix, vous pourrez commander, une armée customisée à votre convenance ; équipées avec pas moins de 54 armes variées, quelques 66 unités différentes. Parmi lesquelles des tanks lourds Leman Russ ou super-lourds tels que des Baneblade, ou encore des Dreadnoughts, des unités Titan ou des avions, en plus des classiques Flyers (enfin !) ; sur les terres dévastées de Tallarn ou en-dessous, dans le vaste complexe souterrain bunkerisé de la planète.

Pour le détail des recommandations techniques et autres, rendez-vous sur la page de l’éditeur, sur Steam ou sur iTunes.


The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn – Out Now!
The largest tank battle in Imperial history is out now on iOS, Mac and PC

HexWar Games has partnered with Games Workshop® to bring you The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn™. Get ready to fight the largest tank battle in Imperial history with more tanks and more destruction than ever!

After the virus bombing by the traitorous Iron Warriors rendered the surface of Tallarn deadly to biological life, the besieged forces call upon legions of tanks – from the Leman Russ to the almighty Baneblade to bring war to their enemy. The battles begin after the devastating blow that turned the planet into an apocalyptic wasteland, amid the grim conditions the survivors faced in the aftermath.

The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn is a turn-based strategy game that recreates one of the most important events in Imperial history. Command a vast array of tanks, Dreadnoughts, Knights and Titans across the toxic landscape. Play as desperate Solar Auxilia units fighting squadrons of Iron Warrior Predators for control of vast underground bunkers.

  • 66 different units accurately recreated
  • 54 different weapons
  • Three campaigns, each of six linked missions
  • Four battle packs, each with six standalone missions
  • An eight mission tutorial campaign
  • Play all missions, other than the Tutorial, as either Imperial or Traitor forces
  • Tailor your army with custom force selection
  • Fight on the devastated surface of Tallarn or for control of the vast underground bunker system
  • 8 unique unit types
    • Aircraft
    • Flyers
    • Infantry
    • Tanks
    • Walkers
    • Super Heavy Walkers
    • Super Heavy Tanks
    • Titans

Future updates will add more missions and many more units

All campaigns can be played as both Loyalist and Traitor.

6 Mission Apocalypse Campaign
In the wake of the death and destruction wrought upon Tallarn by the virus bombing, the Iron Warriors descended.  As their patrols scoured the ruined planet’s surface, they encountered unexpected resistance from the Imperial survivors.  Protected from Tallarn’s toxified atmosphere in their underground shelters, the loyalists launched a spirited campaign of hit-and-run attacks on the Iron Warriors.

6 Mission Resurrection Campaign*
As the Imperium learned of the Iron Warriors’ treachery and the fate of the survivors of Tallarn, their relief troops and armour arrived in force, only to be matched by those of the enemy.  The Iron Warriors ground their way to Sapphire City, beneath which lay a subterranean network of tunnels and shelters which had served as a bulwark in the Imperial defence line.

6 Mission Revenge Campaign*
Despite determined efforts, the Imperium were unable to shift the Iron Warriors from The Sightless Warren.  Meanwhile fighting on the surface ground to a stalemate as heavy armoured units reinforced both sides.  In a bid to sway the battle, The Iron Warriors’ Macro-Transport “The Eagle’s Talon” was brought into orbit around Tallarn, threateningly positioned to bring a new wave of troops to fight for the traitors.

*These campaigns are included in the Iron Edition but are available as IAPs on iPad and iPhone.

The Iron Edition is an exclusive version that will be available on Steam only.

The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017, The Horus Heresy: Battle of Tallarn Logo, The Horus Heresy, The Horus Heresy Eye logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

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