Unity of Command II – Don 42 : screenshots

En bref. 2×2 Games annonce l’arrivée prochaine d’une septième extension pour le sympathique second volet de Unity of Command. Add-on qui proposera onze scénarios concernant les offensives soviétiques durant l’hiver 1942-1943 où eut lieu un immense encerclement des forces de l’Axe.

Pour l’occasion voici une belle série de captures d’écrans illustrant les batailles à venir dans ce DLC.

Pour plus d’informations sur Unity of Command II – Don 42, qui sera disponible le 18 mai prochain, voyez cette fiche sur Steam.

Concernant Unity of Command II, voyez le blog officiel et surtout cette page sur Steam. Puis notre test ou encore ce récit de partie.



Don 42 DLC for Unity of Command II will be out on the 18th of May

Unity of Command II continues its march toward complete WWII simulation.

It is now the turn of nothing less than taking command of Soviet forces to encircle Stalingrad and ensure crushing any German hope of a comeback!

Don 42, the new DLC for Unity of Command II, will be out on the 18th of May.

Are you ready to face the most iconic battles of the Eastern Front?

From Don to Dnieper, onwards!

During the desperate defensive battles in late summer and autumn 1942, the Soviet high command carefully husbanded its reserves. By November, German attacks culminated in the rubble of Stalingrad and in the frozen foothills of the Caucasus. Now, with their enemy perilously overextended, the Soviets aim to strike several devastating blows at Hitler’s armies.

Don ’42 covers the Soviet offensives from the Don to the Dnieper during the fateful winter of 1942/43.
This time period includes some of the largest encirclements of Axis forces in the war. You will be in charge of fresh Tank Corps as they launch ‘deep battle’ strikes into the enemy’s rear. But be warned: although weakened, the fascist invaders are still dangerous and will remind you that commanding the Red Army means accepting losses.

Key Features of the Don 42 DLC

– 11 historical scenarios, covering the Soviet winter counteroffensive of 1942/43
– Impact history by severing the German retreat route through Rostov and reaching as far as the Dnieper – if Manstein’s backhand blow is defeated…

And a quick example of this DLC :

Operation Uranus

November 1942,

With the end goal of encircling German forces in Stalingrad, Operation Uranus was destined to be a decisive moment in history. The Red Army would strike the Axis flanks on both sides of the city.
Their flanks were manned by Romanian forces that suffered from a chronic lack of effective anti-tank weapons.

The Soviets went to great lengths to conceal their troop build-ups, however, the bulk of the enemy Panzer Divisions were heavily engaged in the ruins of Stalingrad, rendering them unable to react either way.


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